85 percent of Hungarians prefer sustainable investments, according to ALTEO’s survey

According to ALTEO’s survey, when choosing a form of investment, green aspects are nearly as important in a company’s assessment a show the given company treats its employees.

The increasing importance of sustainability is well illustrated by the fact that investors place higher value at those companies of the S&P500 index – which lists the most valuable American major corporations – that operate effectively in terms of green aspects as well. It is not a coincidence that ALTEO, publishing its third integrated report this year, moves up another gear: the new generation energy supplier hopes to obtain ESG rating.

The representative country-wide survey examined the environmental knowledge and behavior of the Hungarian population, which served as the basis of ALTEO’s Sustainability Barometer, which included the attitudes of respondents related to finances. As it was expected, people are most familiar with treasury bonds and government securities (72% of respondents), time deposits and savings accounts (70%), and pension savings accounts (64%), of all investments. Time deposits and savings accounts are the most popular: 44 % of respondents already used them, followed by pension savings accounts (31%) and savings insurance (28%).

The order of importance for choosing an investment is led by profitability (55% consider it decisive), while in second place is how a given company treats its employees (48%). A great majority, 85 % of respondents, stated they also prefer financial products that take sustainability into consideration.

„Since our 2008 launch, sustainability has been present in all our business decisions” – says Attila Chikán Jr., CEO of ALTEO, who adds that in addition to the purposeful and determined continuation of their investment program lasting until 2024, the greatest implementation of ESG aspects is among the main priorities of this year in the operation of the company.

The survey was conducted by MicraMR in January of 2021, among the Hungarian population between the ages 20-65, with internet connection, using a 1,000 person sample. The survey is representative of sex, age, education and settlement.



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