Alice webinarium – Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research

Mapping and assessment of Aluminium-rich residues in the Eastern-South Eastern Europe Region


In the framework of EIT KIC Raw Materials RIS ALiCE (Aluminium-rich industrial residues for mineral binders in ERSEE region), Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd organising a free webinar for Aluminium-rich residue owners, potential end users, and stakeholders.

The project aims to launch a free online registry for Al rich residues in the Eastern-South-Eastern European region. The RIS ALiCE online registry will be introduced to the users and relevant stakeholders in a webinar on October 14, where experts and stakeholders will discuss the actual situation of waste utilization from circular economy point of view.

DATE: 2020.OCTOBER 14. 14:00-16:00

For further information and registration information, click here:



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