INTERREG+ CircularRegions project

In order for circular operations to become common practice in all companies, companies must be guided through the first steps of a successful transformation. The CircularRegions project trains trainers and designs services for companies that want to make their business models circular.

About the project

The main objective of the project is to establish collaboration among organizations that are members of the circular economy platforms in Hungary and Slovakia in order to enhance transition to a more circular economy in the cross-border regions.

The project partners perform an analysis of the problems and needs of companies operating in the selected sectors, and then select the appropriate methodology and tools that help the transition from a linear business model to a circular business model. Based on this, a methodology is being prepared with which we train trainers. After that, the trainers help the companies to formulate solutions and recommendations in order to facilitate the practical implementation. The project focuses on the food and packaging, plastics, construction and tourism sectors.

Project partners

Your local partners

The project is implemented under the Interreg Slovak Republic – Hungary program with the support of the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund and supported by the amount of 182 449.40 euros. The amount of the BCSDH grant is EUR 34 238.00 EUR. The project lasts from December 2020 to March 2022.


How and why to measure the circularity of your company?

The final event of the cross-border CircularRegions project (Cross-border capacity building for developing circular regions) was held on 22 March via Zoom with the participation of 100 experts, company, and NGO representatives of the Circular…


Ivett Takács

Ivett Takács

Office Manager and Project Manager