Gréta Nagy

Managing Director, owner

I graduated as an environmental engineer at the Széchenyi István University and then at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics first as an environmental management engineering degree, then an economic analyst and an MBA qualification.

Since I founded DANDELION Kft. in 2006 I have been working as its managing director. In addition to management responsibilites I also participate as a professional in environmental protection, sustainability and process optimization projects. Over the past 16 years my colleagues and I have developed innovations such as the company-level ecological footprint calculation and the GreenLex® software designed for the self-assessment of legal compliance, as well as the WorkStressMeter, which can be used to measure employee and organizational stress levels.

My favorite projects have always been those where I managed to prove to clients that integrating sustainability at the management processes is a profitable investment. For this reason, I consider the leadership of the ESG working group within the BCSDH to be a matter of my heart. My goal is to be able to support the membership of the BCSDH as a working group leader and board member in the future with my practical and strategic experience gained during environmental protection, sustainability, occupational safety and psychosocial risk assessment.

I have 2 children, which is why I am committed to the importance of work-life balance. Amidst the difficulties of everyday life, my family and music keep me in balance: I play the piano and learn to play the drums.