“Sustainability has always been a matter of the heart for Grundfos and is one of our core values. Therefore, we strive to pioneer solutions to the world’s water and climate challenges and improve people’s quality of life. This corporate goal is an integral part of our daily operations. The reforestation project at our Székesfehérvár site serves these goals, and following the principle of ‘think globally, act locally,’ we aim to do more for sustainability by building on local opportunities and needs.”

Olivér Szundy, Country Director / Csaba Udvar, Managing Director of the Székesfehérvár plant

Company Name:

Grundfos Hungary Manufacturing Ltd.

Implementation Year:


Focus Areas :

Climate Protection, Climate Adaptation, Air Pollution Reduction, Biodiversity, Employee Well-being, Stakeholders, Local Communities, Responsible Corporate Governance, Corporate Strategy

Program Objective:

The primary goal of the reforestation project implemented on a 4000 m2 area is to locally reduce CO2 emissions in the immediate vicinity of emissions. Expert estimates suggest that after 20 years, we can achieve approximately 25 tons of CO2 savings. In addition, improving the air quality in the industrial park environment and increasing biodiversity are also objectives.

Additional Goals:

  • Reducing noise and pollution from road traffic.
  • Mitigating north-northwest winds.
  • Returning a piece of nature to what the factory occupies.

Program Measures and Commitments:

In 2022, Grundfos initiated the biodiversity program at its Székesfehérvár plant, which will conclude in 2024. A crucial goal was to give back a piece of nature from what the factory occupies. Besides preserving and increasing biodiversity, a significant sustainability goal is to reduce CO2 emissions, which reforestation substantially contributes to on a 4000 m2 area. It’s worth emphasizing that this wasn’t merely tree planting, but a complex creation of a new ecosystem that will become self-sustainable in the long run, requiring no special care or intervention as this function is returned to nature.

Key steps and milestones:

The first step was selecting the area, designated or taken from the factory’s green areas, for the project.

The project creation was supported by a diverse team of experts, from facility management to environmental, health and safety personnel, and HR, ensuring that all necessary aspects are incorporated and applied during the program’s design and operation.

In addition to colleagues, it was essential to involve external experts, including cooperation with the Székesfehérvár City Maintenance, Vadex Mezőföld Forest and Game Management Ltd., and the University of Western Hungary.

The project concept was developed, followed by obtaining permits locally and globally.

After procurement, soil tests and preparation of the loess soil were carried out. The expertise of foresters in suggesting suitable tree species for the specific area and climatic conditions was crucial. In the end, around 3000 plants were planted, including field maple, Turkestan pear, wild pear, sessile oak, common oak, and, for the forest edge, hawthorn from domestic shrubs.

Post-care is crucial, and this will be carried out by local forestry experts under a 3-year framework contract.

In the future, we plan to establish a recreational park and communal space on the site for employees and company partners, thereby promoting the possibility of connecting with nature.

Program Impact and Results:

Key results:

  • Local capture of emitted CO2 on a 4000 m2 area.
  • Preservation and increase of biodiversity by planting 5 different tree species.
  • Avoidance of lawn mowing and fertilizer use to preserve the soil.
  • Climate adaptation – adapting to climate change (the forest has air-cleaning and cooling effects).

Related Links


 IDC Manufacturing Forum 2022 (szinopszis)


Smart factory 2023 (videók)




biodiversity, CO2, net zero, forest, Grundfos, climate change, climate adaptation