Flexibility is the basis of a sustainable labour market – Report on the CEO Roundtables
Regardless of size and industry, the presence of employees with appropriate skills, competencies and professional knowledge is a key element of the success of companies – business leaders agreed at BCSDH’s Action 2020 CEO roundtable conversation focusing on employment in September 2017.
During the first two weeks of September, CEO roundtable conversations took place on 4 different occasions to identify answers to the challenges posed by the current situation of the labour market, and to define the focal areas where BCSDH can formulate recommendations for the business sector. The roundtable conversations were hosted by four BCSDH members: K&H Bank, Randstad, Provident and GE.
Participants agreed that companies, regardless of their size and industry, face major challenges in the field of employment. Our world is changing at an accelerating pace, and this poses new challenges to employees who have to respond very quickly. As a result of digitalisation and automation, many jobs will disappear in the near future, while at the same time professions that require creativity will be become extremely valuable. In this rapidly changing environment, companies need to create more flexible employment systems to attract and retain workforce.
During the BCSDH Jubilee Business Lunch on 12 October 2017 and in our annual publication, BCSDH will identify the employment-related areas in which most companies can apply easily adoptable business solutions, and define recommendations for the business sector which will have a real impact on these areas.
Photos of the event will be available here.