Balázs Báthory

Balázs Báthory 

Deputy CEO Responsible for Innovations and Strategic Developments, Market Építő Ltd.

The executive summary of the nomination – with the original, unchanged text

How would you describe the nominee in three words?

Innovative; Visionary; Responsible; +1 – Future-Shaping Leader.

Brief summary of the rationale – Why do you consider the nominee suitable for the award?

Setting a great example in the construction industry, Market Group was the first in 2022 to release a Sustainability Report. The development of this report and the prior formulation of Market’s sustainability strategy up to 2025 are credited to the Nominee.
The Nominee never enforces their innovative ideas through force but rather supports them with real and compelling arguments. He is dedicated, enthusiastic, and optimistic. An excellent strategist, a future-shaping, globally-minded leader.
He supports young professionals at the start of their careers, allowing his colleagues to unfold with confidence, making him an energizing leader. He communicates with purpose and don’t indulge in ambiguity: he always express his opinion in an accessible and open manner.
An excellent communicator both in his native language and in English, he is capable of representing the company at a high level, even on the international stage.
Balázs is also sensitive to issues threatening our livable future in his personal life, setting an example as a person and thus being a credible and motivating leader.