SPAR receives employer, sustainability and brand awards

SPAR Hungary’s most outstanding brands, its sustainability and waste reduction efforts, as well as the health-conscious products have recently been recognised with prestigious awards. The company has also been awarded the Reliable Workplace acclaim.

Superbrands awards for the SPAR, INTERSPAR and Regnum brands

In 2023, the company received Superbrands awards in three categories: the SPAR brand won the prestigious Superbrands award for the 15th time this year, INTERSPAR for the 8th time and Regnum for the 3rd time. After multi-stage screening, the award is given based on the evaluation of an independent panel of 40 marketing experts and corporate executive professionals. This year, for the 19th time, they selected brands that can set an example for others to follow in successful brand-building.

“This recognition by Superbrands is special for us in two ways. On the one hand, it is professionally established feedback for which there is no application or application process, a panel of respected professionals in the industry decides and certifies the success and credibility of the brands. On the other hand, the fact that SPAR, INTERSPAR and Regnum have consistently and repeatedly won this prestigious award year after year is proof of our company’s unwavering commitment to quality and the trust our customers place in us,” explained Mark Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Hungary.

Reliable employer acclaim

This year, for the first time, SPAR has been awarded the title “Reliable Employer 2023/24”. The award is presented by the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK) to companies that provide exemplary and reliable working and living conditions for their employees. The certificates were presented with Dr. Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office. The companies recognised with the reliable workplace award have transparent remuneration policies, active and up-to-date communication, and the evaluation also took into account the company’s salary and social benefits systems, measures to support the integration of employees, attention to the creation of healthy working conditions for employees, accident prevention, trainings, rewards for extra performance and talent management.

Recognition of environmental sustainability efforts

SPAR’s environmentally-conscious operation and commitment to sustainability was recognised again this year. The company was awarded the Greengage – Green Commitment Award for Environmentally-Responsible Business in the competition announced by the Professional Publishing Hungary publishing house. The aim of the competition is to seek and showcase successful companies in Hungary today that use environmentally-friendly methods to produce innovative products, sell services or support the market with their developments and processes.

Awards to private label innovations

Trade magazine’s “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2023” award is given to products that respond to changing consumer needs with a novel solution and innovation. Both “SPAR quick-frozen, ready-roasted, breaded chicken leg fillets” and “SPAR Zé salads” were awarded the “Inno d’Or – Innovation of the Year 2023” acclaim in the Food category, judged by a panel of 21 experts.

Trade magazine also announced the “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2023” competition, one of the winners of which was the “SPAR and Street Kitchen present: Zé Fördős: Holidays from A to Z book”. Thanks to the collaboration between the company and Zé Fördős, the recipe book which offers simple but substantial and healthy dishes, was published last year before Christmas, enabling home-cooking enthusiasts to prepare their Christmas or New Year’s menus efficiently.

This year, Store Insider magazine has again announced its “Private Label Product of the Year” competition to recognise the best quality, innovative, flavourful and well-packaged own-brand products in food and non-food categories. The category winner of the “Private-Label Product of the Year 2023” competition was SPAR’s 400 g “HAZAI.SZERETEM veal liver pate with onions in way”, and the SPAR 230 g “Peeled Frankfurter sausage with cheddar cheese” was awarded the flagship product prize.

Premium Quality Food trademark

The Premium Quality Food mark is awarded to products that stand out from those on offer in the market. The awarding of the prize is preceded by a complex evaluation in several stages, during which experts carry out various measurements and packaging tests. Then the judges perform a quality evaluation of the products based on the criteria of flavour, smell, and texture. SPAR is proud that several of its products have been awarded the Premium Quality Food Mark this year, which can now be applied to numerous members of the SPAR HAZAI.SZERETEM range of products, including the mild salami (100g), the spicy salami (100g), the paprika salami (100g) and the mild and spicy salami mix (100g).

SPAR food industry manager honoured

Outstanding achievements in agriculture and the food industry were honoured at this year’s 15 March 1848 ceremony at the Hungarian Agricultural Museum. At the event, Ferenc Horváth, SPAR Hungary’s food industry manager, was presented with the Imre Ujhelyi Award by Dr. István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, who stressed that in difficult times, we need people who set an example by trying to make the best of themselves and the assets entrusted to them.  Up to six people a year can be awarded this prize in recognition of their outstanding achievements in the fields of agriculture, food and agricultural education, for exemplary practices, modern methods and their dissemination in the sector, and for outstanding achievements in the field of technical development, modern production processes, development and introduction of new products in the food industry.

Ujhelyi Imre Díj átadása: a fotón balról Horváth Ferenc, a SPAR élelmiszeripari cégvezetője, jobbról Dr. Nagy István Agrárminiszter látható.