“We believe that humans are a part of nature and feel at home where they have a direct connection with it. The Park was conceived in this spirit, and to this day, we continue to develop it based on this idea. We are building modern offices, a diverse natural environment, and a cohesive community. We believe that sustainability goes beyond green technologies and is about creating a world where everyone can thrive, recognizing the dignity and value of every human being.”

János Kocsány, CEO


Company Name:

Graphisoft Park SE

Implementation Year:


Focus Areas:

Climate Protection, Climate Adaptation, Alternative Energy Use and Energy Efficiency, Biodiversity, Employee Well-being

Program Objective:

The development of Graphisoft Park is a brownfield investment that started in 1996 on the abandoned grounds of the Óbuda Gas Factory. Our goal was to create real green environments for the office buildings constructed after the revitalization of the area, and to reintegrate the area into the urban fabric. We began creating biodiversity as part of the very first developments, and the natural environment has continued to evolve alongside the buildings.

The built-up area is 25%, while the green area accounts for more than 60%, with approximately 2,500 m2 of green roofs. Graphisoft Park represents a unique quality as a green and biodiverse office park in Budapest.

Program Measures and Commitments:

We don’t just provide office space for rent, but also offer an attractive green environment and a high-quality mental setting. The new business model recognizes that the natural environment of the office park is just as important as modern offices. There are three schools operating on the Park Campus. Creativity requires employees and students to be able to go outside, walk, and have communal spaces for exchanging ideas. The founders of the park saw the return on investment in high-quality work rather than just in real estate development. The creators of the park paid special attention to creating green spaces. Spacious groves surround the buildings, and the trees are taller than the houses. Multi-level underground parking lots were also built so that the surface view is defined by greenery rather than a multitude of parked cars. A lake in the center of the park and, of course, the uniquely quiet Danube riverside promenade provide unparalleled tranquility to the place. The desired result was for tenants to find a long-term home due to the uniqueness of the natural features.

Detailed landscape plans were prepared during the preparation of the office development. As a result, 14 hectares of the Graphisoft Park area were built and 8,400 m2 of land was covered with green vegetation. We acknowledged that providing parking spaces for our tenants is also an important consideration when choosing an office. Therefore, since the 2006 expansion, we have built over two thousand parking spaces underground. This allows us to create a green area ratio of over 60% in the park.

The rate of construction is only 25%, which is quite extraordinary in Budapest and even in Europe.

During the investment, approximately 300 trees were planted. In the center of the park, we created an artificial lake where we introduced fish. We also managed to lure back birds that had moved away 70 years ago.

Sustainability goes beyond environmental protection; it’s also about the human factor. Human relationships, community life, and people paying attention to each other are just as important a part of sustainable development as resource preservation. We pay attention to the health and well-being of those working in our buildings, providing them with appropriate conditions and creating communal spaces for this purpose.

Program Impact and Results:

  • Developed area from 1998 to 2023: 14 hectares, 82,000 m2 of office, laboratory, educational institutions
  • Built-up area ratio: 25%
  • Percentage of green area: over 60%
  • Number of trees: approximately 300
  • Number of bird species: 22 (Hungarian Ornithological Institute survey, 2021)
  • Number of tenants from 1998 to 2023: 180
  • Cumulative loyalty index (average lease duration from the start of the current tenants’ lease): 15.1 years
  • Number of employees/students working/studying here: 5000/1000 people
  • Occupancy rate: 97% (reduced by 2% due to the pandemic and home office)

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Biodiversity preservation, brownfield investment, real estate development, communal space, community building