Regenerative Agricultural Initiative in the Nestlé Pet Food Supply Chain (Bük and Surrounding Areas)
“Nestlé aims to source one-fifth of its key raw materials from areas that use soil regeneration methods by 2025. The essence of the LENS program is to eliminate the negative impacts of large-scale agricultural production, which has become widespread worldwide, and restore the exposed soil to a state where it can sustain its fertility in the long term.”
Peter Noszek, CEO
Company Name:
Nestlé Hungary Ltd.
Implementation Year:
Focus Areas:
Climate Protection and Adaptation, Water Usage, Biodiversity, Stakeholders, Local Communities, Sustainable Supply Chain
Program Objective:
By 2025, Nestlé aims to source one-fifth of its key raw materials from areas that use soil regeneration methods.
The essence of Nestlé’s soil renewal agricultural program in Bük is to:
- Eliminate the negative impacts of large-scale agricultural production, which has become widespread worldwide.
- Restore the exposed soil to a state where it can sustain its fertility in the long term.
As part of the program, Nestlé Purina seeks to promote the transition to soil renewal agricultural practices among its suppliers to:
- Improve the resilience of its supply chain.
- Contribute to the company’s net-zero emissions goal.
Program Measures and Commitments:
The broader adoption of regenerative agricultural practices, which supports food security, can:
- Significantly sequester carbon and reduce emissions.
- Increase soil water retention, improving water quality.
- Enhance biodiversity.
- Facilitate the inclusion of livestock grazing.
- Provide long-term security for farmers.
The Landscape Enterprise Networks (LENs) methodology is used to develop private-sector ecosystem service marketplaces in specific regions. The program, developed by the British sustainability consultancy 3Keel, is running in several European countries and is managed by the international nonprofit organization Preferred by Nature, aligned with LENs principles and guidelines. In Hungary, the Nestlé Purina Petcare unit initiated the LENs program in the Western Transdanubian region in 2021. A significant portion of the raw materials supplied to the Nestlé Purina pet food factory in Bük is sourced from Hungarian farmers.
The LENs methodology is an independent mechanism based on ecosystem services. It allows businesses with a common interest in the protection and improvement of natural values and functions in a given region to jointly finance specific practices and measures.
The Impact and Results of the Program:
In 2022, the program worked with over 3 farmers on more than 200 hectares to implement soil renewal agricultural practices, financed by Nestlé Purina for over EUR 260,000.
In 2023, the program continues with 12 farmers on more than 5,000 hectares, including the measurement of results through a developed monitoring, reporting, and verification system. The program also includes farmer education and awareness-building through the Farm Network, which organizes 4-5 farmer training sessions annually.
Related Links:
Regenerative Agriculture, Soil Renewal Agriculture, Biodiversity Restoration, Climate Protection, Food Security, Supply Chain