SPAR provides disposable plastic gloves to the customers

The opening hours of SPAR and INTERSPAR stores change nationwide because of Easter, and the retail company has introduced further measures to enhance the protection of customers and workers.

„Regarding the epidemiological situation, we would like to ask our customers to use the disposable plastic gloves that are placed at the entrance of SPAR and INTERSPAR stores. We emphasize that it is suggested to wear the gloves during the entire shopping, then throw it immediately into a dustbin after leaving the cashdesk” – said Márk Maczelka, head of communication at SPAR.

Providing masks to protect employees

SPAR made every effort in the last few weeks to purchase masks for its workers. As a result of this, SPAR provides disposable masks to all employees working in the stores and in the field of logistics. Besides this, 2 reusable, washable and disinfectable masks per person are given to the employees concerned in the next few days.
Around the Easter holiday, the opening hours of stores are extended
SPAR and INTERSPAR stores are open to the customers on Thursday, 9th April and on Saturday, 11th April with longer opening hours that were valid before the epidemiological period. The current opening hours are available on the SPAR website listed by each store:

The quantitative restrictions have been modified

Regarding shopping in the webshop and stores, from 03.04.2020 the quantitative restriction of maximum 10 pieces/product per person applies only to the following product groups: flour, oil, rice, yeast. SPAR cancelled the earlier shopping restriction valid for all products.

Measures taken by SPAR Magyarország relating to coronavirus epidemic
– We pay special attention to the safety of our customers and colleagues and we take every expected measure in the future as well.
– We increased the quantity of our orders on disinfectants and detergents. Cleaning also continues to be extremely thorough in the stores within which the shopping carts and shopping baskets are regularly disinfected as well.
– We provide masks, gloves and disinfectants to all of the employees.
– We help our customers at the service counters and cashdesks with floor stickers to keep distance from each other
– We started to settle the so-called plexi shields against breath at the cashdesks that serves the security of both customers and colleagues.
– All breads sold previously without packaging in the SPAR and INTERSPAR stores, we offer in packaged form from now. Besides this, we would like to ask our customers that the fresh products, from which they can select, do not catch with bare hands, use the tool placed for this purpose or a plastic bag in the sales area, possibly a paper bag into which they can wrap the product!
– In the interest of helping the work of our colleagues, we increased the flexibility of taking breaks to ensure the possibility to wash hands more frequently. Where it is not possible, we provide hand sanitizer.
– In case of employees working in the centre and in the fields of logistics and food production, we increased the number of corporate buses in order to that our workers can keep the distance required from each other during going to work.
– Concerning the operation of canteens in Üllő and Bicske, we also made new rules: we separated the certain shifts from each other and in the Headquarter in Bicske the central and warehouse employees are also separated, furthermore, we increased the number of regular daily cleanings and disinfections.
– For colleagues working in the centre, we provided home-office opportunity where it was possible.

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