SPAR helps with useful advice the health protection of its employees

SPAR gives a helping hand by a health protection guide made with the involvement of experts to its more than 13 000 employees in order to protect their health. The guide provides advice to be considered and basic practical tasks.

„SPAR Hungary, as one of the largest employers of the country, helps its more than 13 000 employees in the period of pandemic as well. In order to protect the health of our employees, we provide continuously from the first days of the spread of coronavirus masks, gloves and disinfectants and we also pay the attention to precise information in connection with the pandemic. We send to all of our employees our guide called „To protect our health”, which contains the most important information. Doctors and specialists in mental hygiene participated in the compilation of the guide in order to guarantee the authenticity of its content” – said Márk Maczelka, Head of Communication at SPAR.

The safety of employees is essentially important to the retail chain also during the period of coronavirus-epidemic, for which it took and will take all measures that can be expected. Beyond providing protective equipment – masks, gloves, disinfectants – the company has installed plexiglass to the cashdesks against breath, separated the shifts from each other in its production plants, multiplied the number of daily cleanings and disinfections, moreover, where it was possible, it provided the opportunity of work in home office regarding employees in the centre. Parallel to the practical protection, precise and professional information is similarly important. The 32-page guide „To protect our health – useful advice during an epidemic” was made with the involvement of experts specialized in the field of epidemic, doctors and specialists in mental hygiene by relying on facts and authentic research results.

The clear informational guide contains all of the necessary information from the basic information about the coronavirus, through the most important things to do in case of a possible infection, until the most essential tasks of health protection.


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