New member company: Papyrus Hungária Zrt.

Since 1993, the company has been a wholesaler and retailer of paper, packaging, and hygiene products, and is committed to promoting sustainability and the circular economy. The company is part of the OptiGroup.

At the Group level, they have been publishing their sustainability report as part of their annual report since 2016. Their sustainability strategy and targets to be achieved by 2030 are formulated around five of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Responsible consumption and production, Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth, Peace, justice and strong institutions, and Climate Action

To achieve these goals, they have introduced a Code of Conduct to be adopted by all their employees and suppliers. They provide mandatory anti-corruption and competition law training and ensure anonymous reporting of possible abuses through their “whistleblowing” platform. The company operates in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

In line with their environmental responsibility, this year they have implemented several initiatives: they have replaced their delivery fleet with EURO6 trucks and introduced electric car delivery on a trial basis. Their office space has been certified Breeam in use excellent. Their product range includes a significant proportion of FSC and PEFC certified products, supporting responsible forest management. They source 99% of their supplies from European manufacturers and are increasingly focusing on their suppliers’ commitment to sustainability. The company has ISO 14001 environmental management certification.

To better achieve their goals, they have joined the BCSDH to learn more good practices, participate in the professional knowledge sharing offered by the Council, and to build relationships with the association’s member companies.