Irén Márta, Managing Director of BCSDH, has been awarded a Pro Facultate Prize

Irén Márta, Managing Director of the Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (BCSDH) received this year’s PRO FACULTATE Prize from Corvinus University’s Faculty of Business Administration during the faculty graduation ceremony on 25 July, 2018.

Dr.  Zoltayné  Dr.   Paprika  Zita,  Dean  of  the  Faculty  of  Business  Administration ,Dr. László Gulácsi, Scientific Vice-rector, and Dr. Richárd Szántó, Deputy Dean of Education, awarded this prize to Irén Márta, Managing Director of the BCSDH, in recognition of her achievements in the business sector, and moreover for her activities regarding the practical and scientific development of this area in cooperation with the Faculty of Business administration.



The  prestigious  Pro Facultate  Award  of  the  Faculty  of  Business  Administration  was  established  in  2010  to  recognise  prominent  people  who have enhanced  the  reputation  and  authority  of  the  Faculty  regarding  the  collaboration  of  the  business  sector  and  the  scientific  world.

The  prize  is  awarded  once  a  year  following the  proposal of  the  Dean’s  Cabinet  of  the  Faculty  of  Business  AAdministration by the  faculty  Council.  The  prize  winner  may  be  nominated  by  the  heads  of departments.

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