The winners in 2019

The winners of the “For a Sustainable Future” prize in 2019:

Change leader award:

László Ilics
Deputy CEO, Chief Issurance Officer Non-Life and responsible for COO area
Generali Insurance Co.

Mr. IIics always thinks in the long term, boldly challenging conventional methods and introducing new and effective solutions. His role in developing the MyNetwork program which breaks with the stereotypes of the insurance sector has been of particular merit, and he has taken a clearly new approach to advisory recruitment methods.

Leading women award:

Nóra Horváth-Magyary
Country Communication Officer
K&H Bank Group

Nóra Horváth-Magyary is an innovative, guiding leader who creates strong leverage for achieving demanding goals that have social impacts that go far beyond the company.

Krisztina Petrényiné Szabó
Group Downstream Business Development Director
MOL Group

Mrs. Szabó is an innovative, inspirational leader with outstanding professional and human qualities. She has made a significant impact in the field of sustainability, both in relation to and beyond her job.

Hajnalka Széll
HR Director
Auchan Hungary

Ms. Széll is a dedicated, solution-focused leader who is committed to promoting diversity. Throughout her whole career she has worked consistently, constantly and comprehensively to foster equal opportunity for all.

Business solutions award:

The Future FM Ltd. “Implementing water-saving technologies in partnership” program is leading the way for other companies and industries. The water savings achieved through the modification of operational technology and partnership with stakeholders involves reinterpreting classic solutions that are already known, but not yet widely practiced.

Heineken Hungaria Breweries Ltd. “HOPing for a better future” program overtops the company’s numerous integrated solutions, being implemented in several fields at the same time. The positive social impact of this extensive collaborative program is remarkable and exemplary as it focuses on local raw material production and shortening transport distances.