130 trees planted with the help of YBL students

We exhibited at YBL’s Professional Day on 14 April, but instead of investing in plastic pens, branded mugs, and fridge magnets that don’t last two minutes, we used the budget to plant a tree in the MyForest community forest on behalf of the students.

Our initiative has been a huge success, and Hungary will soon have 130 trees that we can thank the new generation for.

And why is this important?

Because one of the most important causes of global warming is the fact that two-thirds of the world’s forests have disappeared since the beginning of industrial civilization.

And the remaining one-third of forests are no longer able to absorb the CO2 emitted by human activity, leading to global warming and the eventual destruction of human civilization (source).

Another major cause of climate problems is the construction industry, which contributes 38% of CO2 emissions.

This can be greatly reduced through the efficiency of digitization tools (we talk about this in an interview with Portfolio.hu), but we also regularly support other organizations working towards similar goals.

One such organization is MyForest, which has set a goal of doubling the number of forests on the ground; roughly 200 trees per person on the planet would need to be planted to double the size of current forests and restore at least two-thirds of the forests that existed in the 1700s-1800s.

So there’s work to be done, as a company we’re paying attention, not producing unnecessary marketing material, not printing, and working to restore ecological balance wherever possible – so do the same for you!

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