Budapest Stock Exchange publishes its sustainability report for 2023

The Budapest Stock Exchange (BSE) has published its 2023 Sustainability Report: for the second time this year, following last year, the BSE has prepared a voluntary report that provides a comprehensive picture of the company’s sustainability efforts. The publication also details the environmental, social and governance (ESG) achievements of the past year, underlining BSE’s commitment to sustainability.

The main objective of the Sustainability Report is to provide investors and the general public with information on the BSE’s activities in the field of sustainability. The report details the Exchange’s sustainability strategy for 2023-2025 and the initiatives it has taken during the year to implement this strategy. The BSE is implementing its strategy with a twofold objective: on the one hand, the company is striving to establish a high level of ESG principles in its own day-to-day operations, thereby also providing guidance to domestic capital market players, and on the other hand, it is seeking to provide support for issuing companies and the ecosystem around the stock exchange in the area of sustainability.

In order to facilitate a sustainable transition for market participants, In 2023 BSE continued the regulatory support, education programmes and market infrastructure development it launchedin the previous years, which are reported in detail in this report.

Over the past year, the Exchange has sought to provide its views on issues affecting capital markets as a speaker at a number of ESG conferences in the country and in the region, and to improve the skills of domestic listed companies through its sustainability education initiatives. By the end of the year, a dedicated platform on the BSE website was created to present the green issues of the exchange, providing a single point of access to all information on BSE green investment products. In additionthe activities and responsibilities of the Exchange’s Corporate Governance Committee have also been extended, and it now operates as the Sustainability and Corporate Governance Committee.