On October 11, 2021, Legrand Zrt organized an eco-games day for schoolchildren. The emphasis was on protecting the environment with exciting tasks and competition. The Szentes Sports Hall was the venue for the event. In the morning, elementary school students were present. There were memory games, a swinging plastic bottle, a selective maze, etc. and a quiz with very serious questions. Based on the results obtained, the company awarded a prize to the schools. It was a particular pleasure for us that the special school (children with learning difficulties) also accepted our invitation.

Of course, they didn’t compete, but they did every game the best they could, and Legrand Hungary awarded the school a special prize. In the afternoon, the high school students clashed. We were expecting the children with real team games. The schoolchildren had to set up a functional structure similar to a go-kart. Then, at the end of the day, the race followed, where the schools rivaled the cars built. The other half of the teams built a cardboard wall and a bomber. The bomb was a bullet with which to knock down the boxes. The day took place in a fantastic atmosphere. Here too, each school was rewarded according to its results.


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