Electric Boilers in the Service of Renewable Energy

Following the installation of an electric heating boiler at its Sopron power plant, ALTEO has integrated two new devices into its Regulatory Centre: the boilers at the heating plants in Kazincbarcika and Tiszaújváros will enable the conversion of electricity generated from renewable energy sources into heat, while the hot water produced will be connected to the local district heating system.

The two electric hot water boilers, each with a capacity of 6MW, installed with a total investment of HUF 1.9 billion, will further increase the flexibility of the ALTEO Control Centre with their rapid load switching capability. “The expansion of our flexible portfolio, which can contribute to ensuring system balance, will give us even greater flexibility in renewable energy generation” said ALTEO’s Deputy CEO for Generation Management and Business Development. Péter Luczay added that the investment, which was entirely financed from own resources, made use of the elements of the development previously carried out in Sopron, which are related to the energy IT system for managing and optimising the power plant’s electricity production.