German citizens see climate change as the greatest social challenge

  • Global warming is considered to be the greatest social challenge for one in three German citizens

  • Germans are willing to change their behavior and pay more for sustainably manufactured products

  • E.ON: CO2 pricing would be provide a tangible incentive for industry to reduce CO2 emissions

According to a recent survey conducted by research institute puls on behalf of E.ON, one in three Germans (32.9 percent) believe that climate change is the greatest social challenge at present. German citizens are even more concerned about the climate than about pollution (23.6 percent), poverty (26.3 percent) or war, which currently only worries 17.2 percent of the population.

Moreover, 77 percent of German citizens are prepared to change their own behavior in areas such as transportation, food, living environment or shopping, or have already done so. Almost a third (33.5 percent) of people in Germany are prepared to pay up to 10 percent more for climate-friendly products, while another third (39.3 percent) would pay up to 5 percent more for sustainable products.

“Our survey shows that the German population is prepared to contribute to reducing climate-damaging greenhouse gases. E.ON has been advocating increased CO2 pricing for some time in order to provide a renewed incentive to promote and implement climate-friendly forms of energy. In addition, our energy solutions support companies, cities and end customers in sustainably reducing their CO2 emissions,” states Johannes Teyssen, CEO of E.ON SE.

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