METRO continues its sustainability paves in 2016

Our food rescue program, which runs since years successfully, reached its next level, with providing 1.000.000 kg of food, value of nearly 900 m HUF, helped 150.000 people in need.

Our partner in this project is the FoodBank; the aim of the organization is to collect food from the wholesale stores that has aesthetic failure or close to its best-before date and to give it to the needy.  The novelty in our program that we give the daily surplus every evening to civil organizations, which are ultra-fresh and fresh products( fish, meat, processed meat, fruit and vegetables, dairy and bakery) in the contrary to edible products, these products are more healthy, containing more vitamin and usually containing special products as well: bio, lactose free, gluten free etc.). This fully implemented program (all stores involved, daily distribution) existed first in Hungary and Europe with FoodBank.

Beyond this donation in 2015 many other topics were in the limelight of our interest. We have added to our cooperation with Pál Heim Foundation a nationwide AlcoholSTOP roadshow in 6 of our stores. In this program series (Nyíregyháza, Kecskemét, Szeged, Pécs, Győr and Budaörs) we offered many interactive programs to all visitors. The aim of the series was to start an intense and genuine social dialogue, where instead of complaints plans and ideas were created in order to promote responsible alcohol consumption among the population. METRO not only ensured the venues but promoted the events in all its communication channels.

The event series’ closing event was held on 29th August 2015 at Budaörs store, where Pest county police traffic safety games could be tried out, Hungarian Blood Donation Service hosted a blood donation and offered first-aid training.

In the summer of 2015 launched METRO Community Stars (Adnijó) Program, where METRO awarded and honored independent business owners whose outstanding commitment contributes to the well-being in their community. Because they are going the extra mile, they act as role models to their respective communities. It is METRO Cash & Carry’s goal to focus on these people and their small independent businesses and put the spotlight on those usually not getting the recognition that big companies gain. The prize honors the immense importance of entrepreneurs in supporting community development. With the award we have created a platform to position METRO Cash & Carry as a touch point within the community at local level that pursues the same objective as the independent local businesses.  The winner, Hatpöttyös restaurant from Székesfehérvár employing disabled people won the recognition.

Close to the year-end METRO organized for its employees a Sustainability day, where all our 2600 employees were invited and involved to various interactive sustainability programs. Via these activities we highlighted the water-, energy- and material saving ideas, also highlighting how to save food, recycle, reuse or count your own eco footprint.

Christmas period is always about charity , next to METRO’s normal charity activities this year we joined the nationwide campaign called “Jónak lenni jó”, where the beneficiary in 2015 the International Children’s Safety Service, where METRO donated 7 mio HUF, and in the events of the organization 3000 food packages and 1500 kg fruits were distributed thanks to METRO. This cooperation will continue in 2016 with supporting various other events of the organization.

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