More than 1600 pupils in need supported by the Joy to Give! campaign in this school season

The Joy to Give! (Adni Öröm!) joint donation campaign organised by the Hungarian Charity Service of the Hungarian Order of Malta and SPAR Hungary has been successfully implemented for the third time this year. Shoppers have contributed to the school season of around 1600 underprivileged schoolchildren with more than 62,000 pieces of stationery and school supplies and by purchasing almost 2.2 million HUF worth of donation cards. The retail chain has provided an additional donation of 1 million HUF.

The costs that come with the beginning of the school year are a burden for a lot of Hungarian families with many among them finding it almost impossible to buy everything that is necessary. The Joy to Give! joint donation campaign organised first in 2021 by the Charity Service of the Hungarian Order of Malta and SPAR Hungary could alleviate this situation at the start of this season. Shoppers could buy donation cards and school supplies to support the school start for children in need at the stores. The income from the donation cards was used by the charity service to purchase additional stationary items.

“We organised the charity campaign to make sure that no children are treated unfavourably in school due to hardships at home, and the donations of customers of SPAR Hungary helped us support 1600 families in this. Exercise books, stationary, pencil cases, PE bags, and other useful supplies were donated by shoppers and our volunteers filled ready-to-use school bags with the donated items. They also packed gift bags for different age groups which have been forwarded to families requiring the assistance of the charity service throughout the country. We thank everyone for their support by buying the donation cards or personally donating school supplies to the charity service purchased at INTERSPAR hypermarkets ,” said Tamás Romhányi, head of communications of the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta.

“In just one month after the end of the previous school year, our company has announced the Joy to Give! school supply donation campaign, already enabling the purchases of donation cards at INTERSPAR hypermarkets and the SPAR online shop from 20 July 2023. We owe our customers a big thank you, who supported the initiative wholeheartedly again this year, taking care of children whose parents cannot fully provide for them. By purchasing donations cards, INTERSPAR hypermarket and SPAR online shop customers pledged more than 2 million HUF, and also bought more than 62,000 pieces of school supplies from 23 to 26 August 2023 which were donated to volunteers of the charity service. Our company donated a further 1 million forints to top this up as part of our equality and social responsibility agenda, to help even more need children. The Joy to Give! school supply donation campaign turns 3 this year so it is safe to declare that it has become a tradition. Seeing the success, we are committed to continuing the initiative in the future as well,” explained Márk Maczelka, head of communications of SPAR Hungary.

Please find the results of the donation campaign on the website.