New member: HungaroControl

Due to its state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge developments and services, HungaroControl Hungarian Air Navigation Services Pte. Ltd. Co. is one of the most accurate, most efficient and most reliable service providers in international aviation, and an active regional initiator and co-operating partner of the European Union’s integration efforts under the Single European Sky.

According to EUROCONTROL’s statistical data and forecasts, the number of flights in Europe is 10 million per annum, and in the next 20 years this figure may even double. During the past few years HungaroControl has launched several significant projects to improve its air navigation services, guarantee the safe management of the increasing air traffic, and promote the imminent success of the integration undertaken by the European Union.

Due to its continuous innovation and the application of the results of its research and development, HungaroControl has an outstanding role in Europe in flight safety improvements, capacity increases, reduction of airline costs and increased environmental protection. As a result of combined efforts and on commission from NATO, since 3 April 2014, HungaroControl has been managing civilian air traffic overflights in the upper airspace over Kosovo. In February 2015 HungaroControl was the first to adopt Free Route Airspace use without any limitations in Hugnary’s entire airspace, well before the deadline set by the European Commission.

In addition to improving its traditional air navigation services and technical and technological background, one of HungaroControl’s strategic objectives is the establishment of a Central European air navigation knowledge centre in joint effort with its partners. The 2013 implementation of its new, state-of-the-art air navigation centre enabled HungaroControl to relocate its businesses engaged in innovation in a single place, in the building of a former ANS. The establishment of a knowledge centre is justified by increasing international market demand for research and development, simulation and training to support air navigation, which is partly generated by European integration and the objectives related to the functional airspace blocks. On the initiative of HungaroControl Zrt, the regional air navigation knowledge centre will be set up with the involvement of the Hungarian universities and institutions engaged in aviation sector innovation.

The purpose of HungaroControl’s capital investment projects is to enable the Central European Functional Airspace Block (FAB CE), a regional co-operation of seven Central European countries, to provide competitive services and operate at the highest technical and technological standard.

HungaroControl’s corporate social responsibility is an approach integral to the Company’s organisational culture, pervading all corporate activities with a focus on ensuring sustainable development. 

As HungaroControlproactively contributes to solving local and global problems; it is also in constant dialogue with the people living in its surroundings as well as neighbouring local councils.

The Company’s Support Policy focuses on improving the natural and operating environment, recognising sports achievements that are outstanding on an international level, supporting extraordinary events that require national solidarity, initiatives that are conducive to popularising aviation and air transport, research, development and innovation projects, and promoting equal opportunities for children.

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