SPAR receives employees from other sectors

SPAR received almost 900 new employees from other sectors in the past two weeks providing immediate job opportunities for jobseekers in its store chain nationwide. SPAR considers collaboration highly important in order to preserve the workplaces.

„In this current particularly difficult situation, it is extremely important to the Hungarian economy that as many people can get a job opportunity and have a workplace as possible. SPAR as a value-creating company considers it a mission to help immediately by providing job opportunities to those compatriots who lost their jobs because of the pandemic” – said Márk Maczelka, head of communication at SPAR.

SPAR employed nearly 900 new workers between 16 and 30 March. It becomes clear from the statistics that the crisis reached firstly the field of catering and tourism because from this sector have moved the most people to retail trade. SPAR on its career website ( publishes continuously its job advertisements that offer positions not only in the stores nationwide, but also in the logistics centre and the Regnum Meat Processing Plant and Training Centre and in the administration centre also in Bicske.

SPAR has recently announced that during this extraordinary situation, it accounts gross 400 HUF loyalty reward after all hours worked to its employees working in the stores, in the field of logistics and food production plants which is transferred to the bank accounts together with the monthly salary. SPAR also exempted from work its 65-year-old and older employees including those who reach the age of 65 this year. For the period of measure taken to health protection, SPAR colleagues exempted from work temporarily are entitled to a remuneration appropriate for the legislative provisions.

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