Unilever is helping to protect lives and livelihoods from Covid-19

Unilever Hungary is offering Domestos, Knorr and Baba products among others to help those in need. The company contributes €100m globally to help the fight against the pandemic through donations of soap, sanitiser, bleach and food.







The company also offers €500m of cash flow relief to support livelihoods across its extended value chain through

  • early payment for the most vulnerable small and medium sized suppliers, to help them with financial liquidity and
  • extended credit to selected small-scale retail customers whose business relies on Unilever, to help them manage and protect jobs.

Unilever Hungary is helping communities through product donation

  • Knorr donation to homeless shelters,
  • Around 700 litres of Domestos to nursery homes,
  • More than 1200 litres of bleach and soap, and hundreds of portions of food and icecream to hospitals,
  • Domestos and Baba soap to schools participating in the Domestos School Restroom Restoration Program.


Moreover, Unilever Hungary is reorganizing the production to fulfill the needs of hospitals, schools and other institutions in terms of bleach.

The company will also protect its workforce from sudden drops in pay, as a result of market disruption or being unable to perform their role, for up to three months. Unilever will cover the employees, contractors and others who they manage or who work on their sites, on a full or part-time basis. This will apply to workers not already covered by government plans or by their direct employer.

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