What steps are you taking towards a healthy and sustainable lifestyle? – Nestlé and SPAR’s Year Planner campaign has kicked off
At the beginning of the new year, many people decide to change their lifestyle, but research shows that it takes an average of 66 days to change habits. However, more than half of people don’t keep their New Year resolutions. The most common reasons for this include setting too high expectations or not knowing how to fulfil them.
Nestlé and SPAR have launched their joint year-long education campaign to encourage customers to adopt a sustainable and health-conscious lifestyle. The campaign is based on a digital Year Planner that guides consumers with inspiring stories, useful tips and practical advice month by month.
“Conscious change requires small but consistent steps. The Nestlé and SPAR annual planner can help people with everyday decisions and choices, whether it’s planning ahead, preparing meals that support a healthy lifestyle, or developing new habits,” explains Diána Sárga, a dietitian at Nestlé Hungária, who will also support the learning of new habits with expert videos.
“Creating a healthy lifestyle that is also sustainable is not always about making perfect decisions, but about consciously moving in a more sustainable direction, taking small steps,” says psychologist Bianka Fuller who is speaking about the mental side of changing habits in the joint Nestlé and SPAR Year Planner campaign. The expert added: “Self-reflection is key to making conscious progress, as it helps us understand why we make certain decisions, what motivates us and where we get stuck. Taking the time to regularly look back on our progress can not only help us set more realistic goals, but also teaches us to appreciate the small steps we have taken. Self-reflection helps us recognize which habits are working well and which ones are worth changing, thereby we are not only strengthening our lifestyle change but also our perseverance.”
Healthy lifestyle month by month
As part of the campaign, a seasonal, easily available, and budget-friendly ingredients is the focus in the Year Planner each month, from which exciting dishes can be prepared using the recipes that are based on Nestlé and SPAR products. In addition to the recipes, sustainability and dietary tips, as well as shopping lists help customers to put together dishes in line with the monthly theme. An important element of the program is also a monthly habit monitor, which encourages consumers to regularly evaluate their own progress. In addition to dietician Diána Sárga and psychologist Bianka Fuller, Nestlé PURINA’s veterinarian, Dr. Kinga Márton will publish short videos on social media platforms throughout the year to provide those concerned with useful advice on how to support the well-being of their pets as well as their own.
This year, the Planner will be available exclusively in digital format, supported by the My SPAR mobile application, SPAR and Nestlé newsletters, and various social media channels. The recipes and expert videos linked to the campaign will also be available on these platforms. In addition to this, the contents of the Planner will be easily accessible by scanning the QR code in stores. The two companies will encourage customers to get to know the Planner in detail with two prize drawings during the year.
Shared responsibility
“It is important for SPAR to support initiatives that provide real help to our customers in developing a health-conscious lifestyle. This campaign both educates and inspires at the same time, while providing practical advice for everyday life,” emphasised Márk Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Hungary.
Nestlé and SPAR have been supporting their customers with different educational campaigns for several years. In recent years, they have worked together to promote sorted waste collection and to prevent food waste.
The joint Year Planner of Nestlé and SPAR is available at: the following link: Nestlé and SPAR joint Annual Planner | Nestlé Hungary