Ecorec site visit organised by the Circular Economy Platform

On 17 May 2024, we visited the ecorec plant in Slovakia, organised by the Circular Economy Platform. The plant processes waste into alternative fuels and secondary raw materials from construction waste to supply the cement industry.

The guests were welcomed by Juraj Ciz, Managing Director of ecorec, and Irén Márta, Director of BCSDH. The plant and the sustainability efforts of the cement industry were presented by Róbert Üveg, Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials Manager at Danucem Ltd.

One of the values of the Circular Economy Platform is to maintain good relations with international partners and to seek cooperation. Denisa Rášová, Head of Circular Slovakia, reported on their activities this year and the opportunities for cooperation between countries and their platforms.

On behalf of BCSDH, Ivett Takács, Project Manager of the Circular Economy Platform, gave an insight into the main findings of the World Circular Economy Forum held in April 2024 and the opportunities for progress in Hungary.

The team travelled to the visit by carpool and train in the spirit of sustainability.

We would like to thank Juraj Ciz and Róbert Üveg for inviting us.

Thanks for the sponsors of the Platform in 2024: