Regardless of size and industry, climate change poses a risk to all businesses

Regardless of size and industry, climate change poses a risk to all businesses- business leaders agreed on this statement at BCSDH’s CEO roundtable conversation in September 2016.  Within the framework of the three-year-old Action2020 Hungary program, this year’s focal topic is Climate Change.

During the first week of September, CEO roundtable conversations took place on 3 different occasions with the participation of 34 CEOs from more than 10 industries. The aim of these conversations was to identify answers to the challenges posed by climate change, and to define the focal areas where BCSDH can formulate recommendations for the business sector. The roundtable conversations were hosted by three BCSDH members: Unilever, MagNet Bank and Henkel.


Participants agreed that companies, regardless of their size and industry, have an impact on climate change and should bear the business risks associated with it. However, the same businesses also all have the chance to create business opportunities from it by reducing risks or investing in adaptation and innovation (which are more difficult to achieve but may provide greater benefits).


During the business dinner on the 17th November, and in our annual publication, BCSDH will identify the climate change-related areas in which most companies can apply easily adoptable business solutions and define recommendation for the business sector which will have a real impact on these areas.


Photos of the event you can find here.

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