Working Groups

BCSDH offers a unique platform for business to collaborate non-competitively to deliver high-impact, actionable solutions to the SDGs’ most challenging sustainability issues.
Our working groups are led by our members, ensuring full commitment and participation. Our programs are largely financed by our member companies through our support system, but occasional support from our partner organizations also helps us achieve an even greater impact. Scientific and civilian experts invited to our working groups and professional programs help to ensure that the results are truly broadly based.

We welcome the company leaders, as well as sustainability managers of member companies, to join our working groups. To indicate your intention, please fill out the form below. We will inform you by email about the acceptance of your application.

Scroll down for more information about Working Groups.



ESG Working Group

Gréta Nagy
CEO, Dandelion
Head of Working Group

The BCSDH ESG working group was established in September 2020, as sustainability and ESG reports received special attention in both the governmental and corporate spheres. The purpose of the working group is to review and familiarize existing sustainability performance indicator systems, provide strategic guidance and recommendations to company managers, and present related successful company practices.

The working group is headed by Gréta Nagy, managing director of Dandelion Kft., and its activities are managed by Zsófia Galambosné Dudás on behalf of the BCSDH.

Dates of working group meetings in 2024:

  • 6 February (Szerencsejáték Zrt.)
  • 10 April (Allianz)
  • 11 September (TBC)

Achievements and future work plan:

The founding meeting of the working group was characterized by an exceptionally high number of senior management participation, and the interest was able to remain at the same level. The members accepted the goal of the working group and shared their expectations with the organization. At the suggestion of the members of the working group, a short status assessment questionnaire was prepared in 2021. The questionnaire obtained an image of the entire membership of the BCSDH in connection with the sustainability impact measurement and report. This will provide the basis for the professional work, provide support for the assessment of specific needs, and later also for measuring the results.
We will repeat the survey in 2023 to track changes. Concrete working examples are presented at each working group meeting, which can act as inspiration for the members.

The working group seeks to monitor members’ progress in reporting against status and to prepare them for the new international reporting regulations.

During the working group meeting, a company is still represented by one person in order to make the discussion more efficient. The language of the discussion is Hungarian, without interpretation.

Race to Zero Working Group

Tímea Pesti
Ayvens Hungary
Head of Working Group

The transition to climate-neutral operation and climate adaptation are an important task for any given company in any industry and a factor that significantly affects the competitiveness of the business sector. For this purpose, BCSDH helps companies make concrete commitments and find business solutions.

The working group from member companies side is headed by Tímea Pesti, Ayvens Hungary, and its activities are managed by Andrea Nagy, Project Manager on behalf of the BCSDH.

The goal of the working group established in 2021 is to provide concrete help to its member companies through professional knowledge and good examples to make concrete climate commitments. And the recommendations developed in the climate year of the Action2020 program be realized aligned with the ‘Time to Transform 2030’ Program, in cooperation with the Net Zero Advisory Board, founded in 2021.

The working group participants are BCSDH members and meets 3 times a year in person or online.

Dates and venues of working group meetings in 2025:

  • 5 March: special event: Beyond Zero film screening and roundtable, hosted by E.ON
  • 12 June (tbc)
  • 25 November (tbc)

In 2024, we launched a new initiative called “Race to Zero on the spot”, which aims to learn about and tour climate protection and biodiversity restoration initiatives that help climate adaptation, providing inspiration and ideas for other member companies.

Two events are planned for 2025:

  • 29 April, Pünkösdfürdő Park, BKM Nonprofit Zrt, Main Garden Division, Budapest III (rain date: tbc)
  • 30 September (tbc)

The language of the discussion mostly Hungarian, without interpretation.

Circular Economy Working Group

Ivett Takács
Project Manager, BCSDH
Head of Working Group

The shift to a circular economy represents a great business opportunity. BCSDH’s mission is to support its member companies in not being followers, but active shapers of future changes and global trends. In connection with this, the working group was established, the purpose of which is to share circular business practices.

The working group participants are members of the Circular Economy Platform, they meets 2-3 times a year in person or online.

The working group is headed by Ivett Takács, Project Manager of the Circular Economy Platform. Bálint Horváth, Circular Economy Expert at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, actively participates in the organization of the working group.

Dates of working group meetings in 2024:

  • 5 March (Tesco)
  • 4 June (Daikin)
  • 3 September (TBC)

The language of the discussion is Hungarian, without interpretation.

Social Capital Working Group

Attila Kelemen
CEO, ProSelf
Head of Working Group

The aim of the working group is to coordinate the social impact of our members and achieve a positive, sustainable change of attitude through them. The working group is the initiator and responsible for the “Future Leaders” talent program, and supports its work and operation with continuous evaluation and development proposals. Besides this, it professionally supports the activities and programs of the Alumni organization.

Professionals who are committed to sustainability and social values, and who are concerned with issues related to the social impact and attitude formation of companies, participate in the joint work.

The working group meets 2-3 times a year, usually in Budapest or via video conference. Furthermore, as discussed at the meetings, additional materials are sent to the members by e-mail for comments.

The leader of the working group is Attila Kelemen, the founder and president of ProSelf, and its activities are coordinated by Zita Szederkényi, head of the “Future Leaders” talent program on behalf of the BCSDH.

Dates of working group meetings in 2025:

  • 19 March (tbc)
  • 19 June (tbc)
  • 27 November (tbc)

The language of the discussion is Hungarian, without interpretation.


Communication Working Group

Eszter Chikán-Kovács
Communications Manager, BCSDH
Head of Working Group

The goal of the working group is to showcase case studies, communication challenges, and positive examples related to sustainability communication from its member companies, and to assist the BCSDH in effectively communicating its professional proposals and utilizing communication synergies with member companies. The ultimate objective is to achieve the sustainability goals of the BCSDH through effective and wide-reaching communication.

The work involves the managers the member companies, who deal primarily with communication and decision-making relations, professionals who are committed to sustainability and social responsibility.

The working group meets 3 times a year, usually in Budapest or via video conference. Furthermore, as discussed at the meetings, additional materials are sent to the members by e-mail for comments.

The leader of the working group is Eszter Chikán-Kovács, the Communications Manager of BCSDH.

Dates of working group meetings in 2024:

  • 20 March (Gránit Pólus)
  • 6 June (Progressive)
  • 24 September (PNB Paribas)

The language of the discussion is Hungarian, without interpretation.