The BCSDH ESG working group was established in September 2020, as sustainability and ESG reports received special attention in both the governmental and corporate spheres. The purpose of the working group is to review and familiarize existing sustainability performance indicator systems, provide strategic guidance and recommendations to company managers, and present related successful company practices.
The working group is headed by Gréta Nagy, managing director of Dandelion Kft., and its activities are managed by Zsófia Galambosné Dudás on behalf of the BCSDH.
Dates of working group meetings in 2024:
- 6 February (Szerencsejáték Zrt.)
- 10 April (Allianz)
- 11 September (TBC)
Achievements and future work plan:
The founding meeting of the working group was characterized by an exceptionally high number of senior management participation, and the interest was able to remain at the same level. The members accepted the goal of the working group and shared their expectations with the organization. At the suggestion of the members of the working group, a short status assessment questionnaire was prepared in 2021. The questionnaire obtained an image of the entire membership of the BCSDH in connection with the sustainability impact measurement and report. This will provide the basis for the professional work, provide support for the assessment of specific needs, and later also for measuring the results.
We will repeat the survey in 2023 to track changes. Concrete working examples are presented at each working group meeting, which can act as inspiration for the members.
The working group seeks to monitor members’ progress in reporting against status and to prepare them for the new international reporting regulations.
During the working group meeting, a company is still represented by one person in order to make the discussion more efficient. The language of the discussion is Hungarian, without interpretation.