Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary
1118 Budapest, Ménesi street 9/a.
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World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) National Partner
For BCSDH Member Companies Are you looking for a solution, a partner to improve your company's ESG performance or are you just interested in what's new? We welcome applications from interested member companies to our Sustainability Matchmaking event on 21 January, which will provide a great opportunity for both those seeking and those offering […]
Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH ESG Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event. To join the working group or for any questions or comments, please contact Zsófia Dudás Galambosné (, the person in charge […]
Private event exclusively for participants of the Future Leaders programme
NEW VENUE: Groupama Arena (1091 Budapest, Üllői út 129.) Registration for BCSDH member companies and invited guests only.
Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH Race to Zero Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event. To join the working group or for any questions or comments, please contact Andrea Nagy (, the person in […]
Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH ESG Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event. To join the working group or for any questions or comments, please contact Ivett Takács (, the person in charge of […]
Event exclusively for members of the BCSDH ESG Working Group To participate in the event, pre-registration is required from the Working Group members, the registration link is included in the invitation to the event. To join the working group or for any questions or comments, please contact Eszter Chikán-Kovávs (, the person in charge of […]