KPMG Survey on CR reporting 2015

The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting is now in its 9th edition and was first published in 1993. Research is carried out by professionals in KPMG member firms and is based on publicly available information published by companies in their corporate responsibility reports, annual financial reports and websites. In the 2015 edition, the sample of the world’s 250 largest companies is based on the 2014 Fortune 500 listing. Global trends in CR reporting are based on a study of reporting from the top 100 companies by revenue in each of the 45 countries.


Hungarian results show that the overall reporting levels are outstandingly high (84 of 100 biggest companies publish reports), this mainly reflects the global reporting practices of multinational corporations. Only 32% of Hungarian companies issue local reports. In the meantime, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has become the most widely used reporting standard: in 2015 63% of the reports referred to the GRI.

The global and Hungarian survey results were presented to the public by István Szabó, sustainability services manager at a business breakfast in early December.

The global study is available here.

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