MOL Group Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

MOL Group has once again been part of the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSWI). This places MOL Group in the top 15% of integrated oil and gas companies based on its corporate sustainability performance. MOL Group is the only company from the Central Eastern European region to be included in the index.

The evaluation was conducted by RobecoSAM, a specialist in sustainability investment. RobecoSAM invited the 68 largest publicly listed Upstream & Integrated Oil and Gas sector companies, finally only admitting 10. MOL Group is now ranked in the top 15% of the companies worldwide based on its sustainability performance. The company was already listed in the Dow Jones Index between 2010 and 2011 and was now again included in the index after a five-year absence.

Membership in the DJSWI is restricted to corporations judged to be best-in-class when compared to industry peers based on a range of sustainability metrics. Metrics include environmental, social performance factors and economic sustainability is also considered.


Our goal is to fully integrate sustainability in our daily operations. We continue to have the highest regard for the safety of our people, the communities and the environment wherever we operate. The inclusion in the DJSI World Index, will further boost our commitment to continuous improvement and represents a major recognition to everyone in MOL who is working on improving our processes and performance at our sites and in our offices through their personal dedication,” said Mr. József Molnár, GCEO of MOL Group.

The robust management system overseen by the Board of Directors, the launch of our SD Plan 2020, which kick-started several actions, considered to be essential for the successful management of long-term economic, social and environmental challenges, and our strong culture of integrated reporting all contributed to this achievement.

Given our long-term commitment to sustainable development, we are particularly pleased to be recognized as a top sustainability performer within the industry.

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