Measuring socio-economic impact – A WBCSD guide for business

Navigating the complex landscape of socio-economic impact measurementCompanies are increasingly interested in measuring socio-economic impact as part of maintaining their license to operate, improving the business enabling environment, strengthening their value chains, and fueling product and service innovation. But while more and more tools are being developed to help companies measure socio-economic impact, it can be difficult to compare and choose among them.

The tools available today are incredibly diverse. They are based on different assumptions, they offer different functionality, they focus on different types of impact, and they suite different purposes.

The guide is intended to help companies navigate the complex landscape of socio-economic impact measurement.

Download the guide click here.

It aims to:

Provide an overview of the business case for measuring socio-economic impactIntroduce the terminology and basic theory used in this space for a busines audience Profile a selection of existing tools for business needsAccelerate business efforts to measure and manage socio-economic imact
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