The Circular Economy Summit will be held on November 26th

The Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and ING Wholesale Banking Hungary will organize this year’s Circular Economy Summit online on 26th November. In addition to presentations by renowned Dutch and Hungarian experts, concrete, innovative circular solutions and the Lean and Green project will be presented, moreover the Circular Slovakian Platform will be introduced.

During the event, Ferenc Hizó will present the aspirations of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology for the circular economy, and the aspects of Agro Sustainable Finance will be discussed by ING’s Dutch expert Mayke Geradts. Participants will gain insight into the world of secondary materials in a presentation by Christian van Maaren, founder of the Excess Materials Exchange, learn about Tungsram Agritech in a presentation by Ferenc Pongrácz, and about the potential of fresh food with Deloitte senior manager Ákos Lukács.

In the next part of the event, concrete, innovative corporate solutions will be presented. Among many things, participants will hear about circular solutions for the IT sector from Joost de Kluijver, founder of Closing The Loop, plastic-free seas from Ramon Knoester, founder of Clear Rivers, organized urban composting from Emese Pancsa, head of Compocity, and the use of insect protein from the CEO of ATEV, Lajos Kovács.

During the Summit, the Lean and Green project will be presented. The goal of the project is to establish effective cooperation between the representatives of the logistics sector and give their partners real guidance for a sustainable future. Finally, the Circular Slovakian Platform will be introduced, which contributes to the transition to a circular economy by saving natural resources, minimizing waste, reducing reliance on imports of primary raw materials, and creating new business opportunities in Slovakia.

You can access the detailed program by clicking here.

If you would like to participate in the event as a CEO, please contact us at this email address .

The language of the event is Hungarian and English, without interpretation.

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