SPAR strengthens with a new plant on the Hungarian meat market

The plant unit in Perbál of ZIMBO Perbál Húsipari Termelő Kft. became the property of SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. After the successfully closed transaction, the company modernizes further the meat plant in Perbál handed over in 1998. Furthermore, the employee personnel of almost 200 persons continues to be in safe situation under the pine tree logo.

„The most important endeavour of SPAR is that we provide quality food deriving from Hungarian ingredients as much as possible for the table of the customers. It is the same in the segment of fresh meat and meat products as well, where by our Regnum Meatplant in Bicske, we can continuously adjust the production of the products to the changes of the customer demands. Over the last period, because of the increased demand we decided to extend our production capacity. By the plant in Perbál that now becomes our property, the SPAR-group is increased with an already tested unit that is capable of high capacity and keep in mind the high quality, which enhances our position on the domestic meat market” – informed Gabriella Heiszler, CEO of SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.

The plant in Perbál is named as Regnum Meatplant Perbál in the future. The products produced here will be available in the own network of SPAR and in all of its franchise stores, moreover, the production processes of the plant in Perbál will be synchronized together with the processes of the plant in Bicske. In the near future, more significant developments is carried out in the new plant unit: the cooling technology is modernized among others. From a quality management view, similarly to the already existing plant, the processes in Perbál will also be operated by the ISO 22 000 system: the planned date to obtain the certification is the following two years.

„The plant of Zimbo in Perbál is operated further from 2nd November in the food-production business branch of SPAR. Our product range is increasing continuously and at the end of the year, the first SPAR products from Perbál arrives to the entire network of SPAR. The almost 200 employee here can continue to work further now within the SPAR-group. Together with them, almost 600 experts enhance the SPAR-team in the food-production business branch. With the increase, the range of our own-brand products becomes larger and the Hungarian product sortiment is strengthened. In the last year, we produced 40 thousand tonnes of meat products, our capacity is extended significantly from 2021” – added Ferenc Horváth, managing director of food industry at SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft.

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