The “For a Sustainable Future” Award for 2021 have been awarded

The BCSDH Business Lunch hosted a ceremonial award ceremony for the Sustainable Future Award. This year, the organization of 109 member companies – which produce about 30% of Hungary’s GDP – presented the ‘For a Sustainable Future’ award for the fifth time in the following categories; Change Leader, Leading Woman, Business Solution/Business Model Change, and Social Responsibility Program, recognising the extraordinary achievements of leaders and companies in terms of helping achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as outstanding action taken during the pandemic.

Márta Irén, director of BCSDH and also a member of the professional jury, explained that “in 2021, we announced the ’For a Sustainable Future’ Award for the fifth time, as established by BCSDH. The Social Responsibility category that was launched in connection with the pandemic was maintained, in addition to the previous Change Leader, Leading Woman, and Business Solutions categories. Reading the applications, we were pleased to see that although the protracted situation with the virus has taken significant resources away from companies, significant progress has been made in many areas of sustainability”.

Winners were selected by a five-member professional jury: Gábor Bartus Dr, Szilvia Krizsó, Irén Márta, István Salgó, and Diána Ürge-Vorsatz

The winners of the “For a Sustainable Future” Award in 2021:


Björn Claussen
Regional Managing Director
BNP Paribas Multinational Clients

Björn Claussen’s personal example through his leadership role draws attention to the sustainability opportunities and responsibilities of the inventors.







Nóra Hevesi
Head of Communications and Campaigns
TESCO Hungary

Barbara Szigeti
Head Of Country People Operation
TESCO Hungary

Both women are leaders who support taking a comprehensive approach to many classic and innovative areas of human sustainability. Their work, impact, and collaboration as female leaders are exemplary.




Zsuzsa Pálfalvi
Managing Director
Graphisoft Park Services

On the one hand, her managerial influence on the company is outstanding, while on the other hand she is having a great positive influence on the environment, society, and the attitudes of other companies.






Katalin Urbán
Environment, Health and Safety Manager
Grundfos Manufacturing Hungary

Katalin develops and inspires innovative solutions inside and outside the company. Her leadership virtues and the results achieved by the company are impressive.








Hungarian National Bank– Green Program

A program that comprehensively represents the sustainability potential of the financing side, with which MNB has adopted a pioneering role. This is having a significant impact on the behaviour of the sector in general and, through it, on the economy as a whole.

The award was received by  Dr. Csaba Kandrács, Deputy Governor of Hungarian National Bank.





SPAR Hungary – SPAR Hungary is implementing a circular business model by selling products from ‘Máltai Manufaktúra’

The environmental and social aspects of sustainability of this initiative are also exemplary. They involve a harmonious unit for business education support, with a focus on significant forward-looking achievements and delivering concrete results.

The award was received by  Márk Maczelka, Head of Communications of SPAR Hungary.





TESCO Hungary  – TESCO for carbon neutrality

The virtue of this food waste reduction program is its complexity and horizontal extension.

The award was received by  Nóra Hevesi, Head of Communications of TESCO Hungary.








Budapest Airport – BUD Group Foundation for Employees

This is a humane, exemplary solution for the further employment of staff during a drastic downturn due to the pandemic.

The award was received by  Chris Dinsdale, CEO of Budapest Airport.







Güntner-Tata – 30 years 30 good things for the community

This is a nice initiative and a good example of a local company taking responsibility for local goals, combined with having a positive impact on employees.


The award was received by  Tamás Schwarczenberger, CEO of Güntner-Tata.






Main Sponsor: Legrand, Highlighted sponsors: Alteo, Essity

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