Let’s meet at the PLANET Budapest 2023 Expo at the end of September!

The Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation (KBKA) will be organizing the PLANET Budapest 2023 sustainability expo from September 25th to October 1st, 2023.

The venue will be Pavilion A of Hungexpo, where, in addition to professional and experiential programs, 150 domestic companies will exhibit their sustainability innovations from the agricultural and food industry ecosystems.

For the first time this year, the BCSDH will also have an installation, similar to many of our member companies.

In addition to the exhibition, from September 27th to 29th, interested individuals can attend several specialized conferences for free, in the following topics, with the participation of several member companies:

  • Green financing
  • Renewable energies
  • Nature-based agriculture
  • Water management
  • Sustainable packaging

Participation in the professional programs is free but requires registration.

The significance of the events is further emphasized by the fact that before the professional programs on all three days, János Áder, the chairman of the KBKA board, will engage in discussions on sustainability issues with political and economic key figures. Conversation partners are as follows:

  • Wednesday: Zsolt Hernádi, CEO of MOL Nyrt.
  • Thursday: István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, and Balázs Győrffy, President of the Chamber of Agriculture
  • Friday: Csaba Lantos, Minister responsible for energy affairs and the circular transition

Our member company IFUA Horváth is the professional partner of PLANET Budapest 2023.

Planet 2023 is the only exhibition where representatives of not just a specific industry but a complex and highly significant business value network and ecosystem present themselves. This year, the focus is on agriculture, as well as the food industry and trade, as these sectors are crucial not only for our self-sufficiency but also for the sustainability of our economy and the health of Hungarian society. However, we aim to showcase not only sustainable solutions for these sectors but also the leading solutions of related supplier and service industries.

Date: September 27-29, 2023

Location: Budapest, HUNGEXPO

For further details: https://planetbudapest.hu/
