WBCSD Liason Delegate Meeting 2024


The 29th WBCSD Liaison Delegate Meeting in Montreux, surpassed all expectations with 50+ sessions and over 600 participants from 45 countries,this was the largest event in WBCSD’s history.A true testament to the relevance and the criticality of our agenda.

As a Global Network partner of the organisation, Hungary was represented by Irén Márta, Managing Director of BCSDH.

During the meeting key trends shaping corporate sustainability in 2024 were presented and delved into action-driven conversations to achieve business transformation. Participants discussed the role of innovation across value chains, explored strategies to enhance accountability and transparency, announced the extension of the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality and had the privilege of hosting the Leading Women Awards 2024 to honor exceptional female leaders in sustainability.

Peter Bakker presented five actionable steps that members can take to catalyze further progress:

  1. Collaborate with WBCSD Climate team to identify and implement strategies to reduce business emissions by at least 10% more by 2030.
  2. Engage with the Nature team to incorporate 3-5 nature-positive metrics into transition plan.
  3. Prioritize human rights by initiating discussions on inequality within companies boardroom.
  4. Conduct a board-level review of the risks and opportunities associated with climate and nature.
  5. Integrate sustainability into all business functions and communicate any education needs to our team.