National Mobile Payment Plc. enables sustainability with data-based urban decision-support solutions

How can a digital, data-driven decision support solution contribute to optimizing a city’s operations? Can public transport be greener? How can the emissions of a fleet of vehicles be reduced? How can the energy consumption of public institutions be rationalized?

The latest initiative of the National Mobile Payment Plc., currently in its pilot phase, offers the City of Szolnok County Municipality answers to these questions.

It can be concluded that the city management processes, the development of new services, and the continuous optimization of existing services can only be effectively implemented if the data generated in the relevant areas are collected, processed and transformed into the information needed to support decisions.

The innovation cooperation between the City of Szolnok and the National Mobile Payment Plc. seeks to find answers to how we can ensure the sustainability of our cities. The results of the project so far demonstrate that making data-driven decisions that improve the city’s competitiveness can be an important pillar of creating a liveable future. We need to develop processes and models to support city management and sustainability, based on the data generated in the city.