Champions of the Earth competition returns
E.ON is pledging HUF 25 million in support to primary- and pre-school communities, who have been invited to pitch their sustainability concepts, the best which will receive funding towards their realization.
To promote the teaching of environmental sustainability, once again E.ON Hungária Group is launching its “Champions of the Earth” competition.which provides funding to primary- and preschool communities comprised of students and their teachers or parents who are committed to working for a sustainable future.
As of last year, the call for submissions has included the following areas: renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate protection, greenhouse gases, air quality, water conservation, recycling, natural resources, and biodiversity. Details for proposal submissions and application materials are available on the Champions of the Earth website, and applications must be submitted by 5 April 2024. Successful entrants to the HUF 25 million competition can win HUF 2.5 million HUF per project to help them implement their green ideas. Judging will be done by both E.ON and members of the public, who can cast their vote for what they feel are the best projects.
Short, inspiring videos featuring last year’s winning entries, available on E.ON’s website, show entrants presenting their projects. They’re worth checking out for anyone applying to this year’s Earth Champions programme or who want to implement their own green projects.
Contest entries will be judged by a five-member jury consisting of Guntram Würzberg, CEO of E.ON Hungária Group, Dr. Diána Ürge-Vorsatz, physicist and climate scientist, as well as sustainability experts Katalin Szomolányi, founder of Planet Fanatics, and Réka Nagy, Ökoanyu, climate communication speaker, writer, journalist, and Lia Pokorny, actress and author of a sustainability cookbook.
Environmental and sustainability education starts through small steps, and E.ON believes that even the smallest primary- or preschool community projects can bring about change in their immediate environment. By working together, every community can pitch in to create a more sustainable tomorrow and a new generation of more environmentally sensitive students.