Nestlé Recycling Guide

An average consumer in the European Union generates 4.8 tonnes of waste every year, most of which is plastic packaging. Therefore, the ambition of the EU is to have 65% of all packaging waste recycled by 2025 and at least 25% of plastic bottles made of recycled input materials. But what can an average person do to achieve such an important goal? One of the largest food company in the world, Nestlé has prepared an easy to understand Recycling Guide for consumers, with practical tips for responsible waste collection.

Nestle has prepared an easy to understand recycling guide for consumers, with professional input from the HUMUSZ Association. The publications seeks to improve the working of Hungary’s waste recycling system with practical advice to households. With the help of the guidebook, consumers can learn what goes in what bin.

Like many other food companies, Nestlé also set the ambition to make all of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025. They announced the creation the Nestlé Institute of Packaging Science in Switzerland that primarily focuses on researching and implementing recyclable, biodegradable or compostable polymers and new packaging concepts and technologies that improve the recyclability of plastic packaging materials.

In addition to developing alternative packaging solutions, with this educational guide they are raising awareness for the importance of this issue with the wider public.

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