Our newest member is Borealis Catalyst Group Kft.

Our newest member is Borealis Catalyst Group Kft., founded in 2010, represented by Katona Melinda, with HUF more than  191 million sales revenue with 3 employees for 2019. Borealis Catalyst Group Kft. is a multi-disciplinary management and business consulting company, offering unique solutions to achieve sustainable and efficient operations and create alignment.

Their commitment to environmental responsibility – that economic, environmental and social sustainability go hand in hand, and that one cannot be sustainable without the other. Accordingly, while they naturally strive to make a profit, they do not do so at any price: they do not undertake any task that involves the destruction of the social and natural environment or the violation of ethical standards. They strive to make a positive social impact through the work they do, through the open and honest way they treat their colleagues and the support they give. In response to the deteriorating environment, since 2019 they have stopped producing leaflets and have been using digital solutions at exhibitions and all other events. They also organize carpools to rural venues to reduce their environmental impact. They help to eliminate paper-based questionnaires from the system through the proprietary Feedback Time feature. They create an intellectual, human and material environment for their staff in which they feel comfortable and secure. The company pays great attention to the work-life balance of its employees and provides continuous training to support their development, through the Borealis Academy programme. Borealis Catalyst Group Kft. strives for impartiality and equal opportunities (religious, ethnic, political, etc.) in all aspects. They work in a non-political way and communicate this clearly to their clients. Their core values are humanity, transparency and integrity, both towards their clients and their staff.

The fundamental aim of their membership is to do more and more for sustainability and to learn from those who are ahead of them.

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