Our newest member is Eximbank Zrt.

Our newest member is Eximbank Zrt. founded in 1994. Eximbank is operating within an integrated framework with the Hungarian Export Credit Insurance Plc under the name of EXIM Hungary. EXIM Hungary is the official export credit agency of Hungary, the only domestic bank and insurer specifically focusing on international trade, foreign market expansion and investments. EXIM Hungary provides a stable financial background for Hungarian export companies, their suppliers and enterprises planning to export with foreign trade-related credit services and risk-insurance products of the highest international standard that promote the expansion and success of their activities.

As part of their environmental responsibility, they have established the EXIM Green Financing Program, which aims to develop financing, risk-sharing and insurance solutions for the institution’s direct customers and financial partners that support the sustainable development investments and business activities of exporters and suppliers. EXIM’s current business activity, based on possible development directions and regulations, focuses on the following areas of sustainability; use of renewable energy sources in production, energy efficiency investments, sustainable agriculture, water management, hydropower utilization, wastewater treatment, recycling, reuse, waste management in production processes (circular economy). EXIM’s environmental policy does not support a transaction that has a negative, i.e. adverse, environmental impact as required by international standards and regulations, and that demonstrates a violation of fundamental human rights standards or significant greenhouse gas emissions. Minimizing environmental awareness and their ecological footprint has become an integral part of their operations. EXIM has set the following environmental and sustainable development goals; social responsibility, expression of responsibility, integration of sustainable development, fight against climate change, protection of environmental values.a

The main purpose of their membership is to support green activities, cooperation between institutions, and to share good practices and experiences.

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