Our newest member is the ALD Automotive

Our newest member is ALD Automotive Hungary. The managing director of the company, founded in 2002, is Olena Tymofiyiva, its sales revenue in 2019 was 27 billion HUF with 102 employees.

ALD Automotive is the subsidiary of Societé Générale Group dealing with leasing and fleet management. Its experiences and reputation make it one of the leading companies in the sector. The team of ALD Automotive offers cost effective solutions to its customers, while fully observing the requirements of environment protection.

As of their Move 2025 strategic plan, they want to be the global leader in sustainable mobility solutions, and will place people and corporate social responsibility at the heart of the business model. Their sustainability approach for CSR, includes shaping the future of sustainable mobility, being a committed and responsible employer by raising the share of women in management bodies to 35%, implementing, and reducing the company’s internal environmental footprint by 30% by 2025 from 2019 levels.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic they have ensured all employees have the option to work from home if needed, based on current regulations and advisory. They trained 1 certified first-aid provider colleague for every 10 colleagues. As in Code of Conduct, wage equality is provided for all employees at ALD Automotive Hungary, they have retired and disabled employees and all measures are taken for their comfort at work.

Since 2018 ALD Automotive Hungary is evaluated by Ecovadis every year, assessing CSR and sustainable procurement. This result places their company among the top 25 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis. ALD Automotive surveys all entities every year and prepares the Planétic report including: evaluation of office buildings, energy consumption, paper usage, transport of employees, waste management, water consumption.

They would like to become a member to have an opportunity to get recent updates related to sustainability initiatives, environmental and social projects in the country, to be able to share ALD Automotive knowledge and background, as well as network and participate in common projects.

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