Record number of participants in Coca-Cola Hungary’s #YouthEmpowered program

Over 5500 people have participated during the last 1,5 years in Coca-Cola Hungary’s #YouthEmpowered program, which aims to enhance the chances of young people in the labour market. The program, which offers free trainings for NEET youth, disadvantaged groups, young moms and expectant mothers, and people with disabilities, have gained over 4700 online participants until the middle of May. The program’s in person, day-long trainings have been attended by over 800 people since the start of the program in 2017.

Initiated by Coca-Cola HBC Hungary in the fall of 2017, #YouthEmpowered program aims to enhance the chances of young people between 18-30 in the labour market. Since spring, this year The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola HBC Hungary are cooperating on the program, organising free trainings and events all year round. The program, which is set to reach its goal in 2020, offers free online and in-person trainings for job-seeking youth, who are currently not in education, nor in employment. During the last 1,5 years, the program has already reached over 30 locations of the country, with over 4700 registered participants for the online trainings, and over 800 participants in the in-person trainings and events, 200 of which being young mothers.

The program works closely together with several associations, training centers and foundations, operating with over 10 professional trainers and coaches, in order to engage the target groups in the most suitable way. Diversitas Center and Civitas Association organise trainings for disadvantaged groups and NEET youth on the countryside, Coworkid Foundation and Loffice coworking work together with #YouthEmpowered to reach young women and parents from Budapest.

(Video of the last event: )

Both the online trainings available at, and the in-person, day-long trainings proved to be especially popular among young women and mothers from Budapest. To complement the trainings of this target group, the program organises workshops and roundtable discussions as well, where they can learn about self-knowledge, communication and entrepreneurship.  The next such event is going to be organised together with Loffice Coworkid, on the 4th of June. During this event, participants of the workshops will learn about kick-starting their own business, building social media, as well as about the legal background of a new venture.

Plans of #YouthEmpowered for the second part of this year include reaching new target groups, organising trainings at new locations and cooperating with new partners as well. Together with Salva Vita Foundation, the program will organise new trainings for the disabled, while it will also initiate trainings and events for university students from Budapest.

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