Regional Treasures programme also launches in Budapest

The top-quality domestic products of small Hungarian enterprises, producers, artisanal companies, small wineries and breweries are now available not only in six regions of the country, but also in Budapest, and are now available on the shelves of SPAR Hungary stores in the framework of the Regional Treasures programme.

“When we launched the Regional Treasures initiative in 2021, our aim was to bring Hungarian small producers and consumers closer together. For this purpose, we provided market access for family enterprises that can continuously supply their high-quality products from within a few tens of kilometres of the respective regional centres of SPAR Hungary, shortening transport chains and generating as little environmental impact as possible. Feedback over the past two years has shown that consumers like these unique, typically small-series food products, and we have created opportunities for businesses to showcase their products not only in small farmers’ markets, but also to a wider audience as partners of one of Hungary’s largest domestic retail chains. The initiative has also helped many of them to reach foreign markets through the additional skills and experience they have gained through our mentoring programme and by working together. We are pleased to announce that the Regional Treasures network has been extended to Budapest and is now complete,” explained Mark Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Hungary.

From cold-pressed oils, craft beers and wines to various jams, pickles, dairy products, pastas and biscuits, more than 400 products from 86 suppliers are available – with a constantly renewed assortment – in different regions of the country within the framework of the programme. Of these, 56 products of 12 partners form the permanent assortment of the Budapest region, available in 13 SPAR supermarkets and 7 INTERSPAR hypermarkets in the capital and its vicinity.

The Regional Treasures programme, which is best recognised by the “red apple” logo in supermarkets, has been launched in 2021, with the Székesfehérvár region joining the initiative first, followed by Zalaegerszeg and Hódmezővásárhely. One year later, in 2022, the network was expanded to include the regions of Pécs, Nyíregyháza and Győr. The companies participating in the programme to support small producers and businesses throughout the country employ a total of more than 600 people, generate jobs in small regions where larger enterprises are rarely present.

For detailed information about the Regional Treasures programme please visit the following link: