SPAR ÖKO KALAND: A mini film series about sustainability for the little ones

The retail chain will launch a series of ten animated mini films for kids in kindergartens and primary schools in September. The mini films will tell stories using children’s language about topics on sustainability such as selective waste collection, or food waste management.

“Over the past two years, our company has been developing a strategic framework to summarise the social and environmental issues needed for a sustainable future. We have invested significant intellectual and financial resources in this program to ensure we take effective action, and together with our customers we have introduced several measures such as emission reduction, and waste management that significantly reduced our environmental impact. We believe in the importance of raising awareness, built on a foundation of easily understandable information. Since it is never too early to start raising awareness in environmental consciousness, we would like to engage kids in kindergartens and primary schools with our SPAR ÖKO KALAND (SPAR ECO ADVENTURE) animated mini film series. These ten short episodes introduce the topics of selective (sorted) waste management and disposable plastic materials in an engaging and educative way. Furthermore, the films touch on other important issues such as fundraising to help others, or food waste management,” said Márk Maczelka, head of communications at SPAR Hungary.

The store chain has launched its action plan framework containing issues concerning sustainable development in 2019. The main pillars of the system named “SPAR – for a sustainable future” are environmental protection, promotion of healthy lifestyles, food safety, employee support, and social responsibility.

The new SPAR ÖKO KALAND (SPAR ECO ADVENTURE) project launching this September, is another milestone in the ongoing commitment to sustainability. During the ten 40-second long animated episodes, the characters symbolising the elements of the Earth (Wind, Water, Fire, Earth and Heart), go on different instructive adventures. Kids of a young age will easily understand more complex issues such as the importance of a healthy diet, the impact of the use of non-disposable products, and the support of Hungarian products through these short, cheerful videos containing easily digestible pictures and videos. All five characters were assigned two episodes each, built around funny stories that are easy to understand, that start with a situation introduced in a playful way and will finish with a clear message on the subject of sustainability.

The animated mini film series will be promoted on the online channels of SPAR, including Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, as well as the sustainability website:

For more information please contact:

Márk Maczelka, head of communications

SPAR Magyarország Kereskedelmi Kft. ∙ 2060, Bicske, SPAR út

Mobile: +36 20 823 7891 ∙ E-mail:

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