#YouthEmpowered has moved on the web

Coca-Cola HBC Hungary, the organizer of #YouthEmpowered educational program, has made the e-learning educational material supplementing the program’s trainings available on the website of the initiative. The online training is free, can be personalized, and company employees also offer one-to-one counseling to interested participants.

Coca-Cola HBC Hungary has made the educational material supplementing its #YouthEmpowered trainings available on the Internet, on the website of the educational program. This in part supplements the previously announced and already under way trainings and also partially cover their contents. Among others, the ten-module e-learning package of #YouthEmpowered program differs from similar programs by offering an offline service as well: participants can request one-on-one counseling from program mentors, top managers of Coca-Cola HBC Hungary.


The online training is flexible, modules can be surfed freely, so studying can be customized. It is worth starting the program with a self-knowledge test, because it can provide a valuable feedback on areas the jobseeker needs to improve at. The basics of financial knowledge, sales skills, business planning and project management are all included in the modules – subjects that cannot be covered during the one-day training. Those who wish to take part in the offline training after completing or during the modules, can sign up at the #YouthEmpowered website.


We recommend the online training, among others, for entrants in search of a job or mothers, since it can be completed from home and is interruptible. The program is also suitable for young people with some expertise and marketable ideas, who can easily obtain advice to launch their own enterprise” – Valentin Tóth, Public Affairs and Communications Director of Coca-Cola HBC Hungary pointed out. The aim of extending the original initiative to such scope is clearly to stimulate the employment of young people in various walks of life.


Coca-Cola HBC Hungary launched #YouthEmpowered educational program last fall for inactive young people between the ages of 18-30. Participants are taught self-knowledge, how to handle job interview situations and feedback in the trainings offered by the company, and in addition, it is also their aim to help young people build a network of contacts to ease their employment. Until today, over 700 jobseekers have participated in the free, one-day trainings in Budapest and in the countryside, and Coca-Cola HBC Hungary plans to involve 8,000 young people by 2020. The company receives assistance from civil organizations to carry out trainings in the countryside, which utilize their familiarity with localities to address inactive young people living in small villages.



Coca Cola HBC Magyarország

A Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. a 600 millió fogyasztót kiszolgáló és 28 országot átfogó Coca-Cola HBC AG csoport tagja. A dunaharaszti székhelyű, Magyarországon két palackozó-üzemet működtető vállalat 1.100 dolgozót foglalkoztat, teljes tevékenysége során pedig közel 13.000 embernek biztosít munkát. A Coca-Cola Magyarország eddig 116 milliárd forintot fektetett be hazánkban. A társaság az egyik legjelentősebb magyar élelmiszer-feldolgozó, termékeit 25 országba exportálja. Az üdítőitalok előállításához használt alapanyagok közel kétharmadát belföldi szállítók biztosítják.

A cég az alkoholmentes italok széles választékát kínálja: a szénsavas üdítőitalok (Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola light, Coca-Cola zero, Coca-Cola zero koffeinmentes, Coca-Cola zero Lemon, Coca-Cola Cherry zero, Fanta, Fanta zero, Sprite, Sprite zero, Lift, Kinley, Royal Bliss), a természetes ásványvizek (NaturAqua csendes, enyhe, szénsavas, Römerquelle csendes, szénsavas), ízesített vizek (NaturAqua Emotion), a gyümölcslevek, nektárok és gyümölcsitalok (Cappy, Cappy Pulpy, Cappy Ice Fruit, Cappy Great Start, Cappy Junior), jeges teák (Nestea, FUZETEA, FUZETEA zero), sportitalok (Powerade), valamint az energiaitalok (Burn, Monster) egyaránt részét képezik a választéknak. A vállalat kizárólagos forgalmazója Olaszország első számú kávéjának, a Lavazza márkának. A társaság prémium szeszes italokat is forgalmaz, a cég a többi közt a Jack Daniel’s, Finlandia, Bacardi, Famous Grouse, Rézangyal, Campari márkákat értékesíti.

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Judit Rónai: judit.ronai@uniomedia.com

Phone: +36 20 466 83 14

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