2000 m2 of water surface, 1 hectare of grazed grassland with 5 rack sheep, nearly 250 species – would you believe we were in a dolomite quarry?

Saint-Gobain has implemented a unique biodiversity programme at its mine in Pilisvörösvár, and on 8 April, BCSDH member companies had the opportunity to visit the main sites.

After a welcome speech by Daniel Domini, CEO of Saint-Gobain Hungary Kft., László Karafa, Quarry and Sustainability Manager, gave a short introductory presentation, and then we were able to see the programme in action. In addition to the 5 hectares of wooded area and 2000 m2 of water surface, the old explosives warehouse has been converted into a bat roost, and birds are also a favourite nesting site, with the bird boxes being 80% used. The area is also used periodically for beehives, which are a priority for flowering and pollination.


On the 1-hectare lawn created in 2002 – optimized for the size of the area – 5 rack sheep graze the grass, and they happily accept apples, they almost expect them from visitors.

In the last 3-4 years, most of the innovations were implemented with the involvement of an external biologist expert, which has now become almost completely self-sustaining. As László Karafa emphasized, nature does not need much for life to start again, which is also proven by the fact that the number of observed species increased from 140 to almost 250 in a few years. During the process, monitoring is extremely important, but equally important emphasis is placed on education, whether it is for employees or schoolchildren.

The photos of the event are available HERE.

We launched our “Race to Zero on the ground” initiative this year, with the aim of presenting initiatives that help climate adaptation and protection, as well as the protection of biodiversity, at the place of implementation. This will also provide ideas and inspiration for other member companies to implement further projects and promote system-level changes.

On 17 September, we will visit the Pünkösdfürdő park (Budapest, District III), dreamed up and created by the Főkert (Gardening) division of BKM Nonprofit Zrt.


Thanks to our Race to Zero program sponsors: