It is increasingly vital to involve ESG aspects into decision-making – A new Working Group has been launched

On 30 September, the first meeting of the BCSDH’s newly formed ESG Working group was held, with the participation of more than 40 company leaders. The aim of the working group is to overview and introduce existing sustainability performance indicator systems, provide strategic guidance, create recommendations to company leaders and present related successful corporate practices.

The online event was opened by Mario Abela, Director of Redefining Value at WBCSD, in which he shared his thoughts on creating value in an uncertain world. Ákos Lukács, senior manager of Deloitte Zrt., talked about financing ESG transformation and the EU Taxonomy. The leader of the working group, Gréta Nagy, Managing Director of Dandelion Kft., presented the purpose of the event and the proposed measures.  Regarding financial investments, president of Bamosz, Sándor Vízkeleti and Balázs Bozsik, Advisor to CEO at Budapest Stock Exchange, presented the perspectives of the investor and the issuer side, moreover their own steps taken on the ESG criteria.

On the basis of the event, business leaders considered it important to incorporate the ESG criteria into company decision-making, agreed on the need for the working group and set the objectives together.

The next meeting of the Working group will be held on 17 November.

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